Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Elearning - Online Course

Train Your Team Anytime, Anywhere


The course explains what sexual harassment is, how allegations should be handled and the importance of having clear and robust policies. The course also coves investigation from the employer’s perspective, the role of employment tribunals and concludes with some case studies that will give further insight into what constitutes harassment and the outcome of cases where the businesses did not act appropriately to deal with this behaviour.

Who is the Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Training Course For ?

This course is aimed at supervisors and mangers, general HR staff, equalities and wellbeing professionals, but could be taken by anyone looking to improve their understanding of sexual harrassment in the workplace.


55 minutes. (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).


CPD approved*

* Our IIRSM & CPD approved courses are owned by VideoTile Learning Ltd and distributed under licence.

Sexual harassment is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature. Experiencing sexual harassment can be one of the most difficult situations a worker can face, however it should not be happening and all workers are protected by law from sexual harassment.

Handling accusations of sexual harassment can be difficult, and if not done correctly can lead to the company being held liable along with the perpetrator of the harassment.

This course will start by defining sexual harassment and explaining how protection comes from both employment law and criminal law. You'll see from workplace statistics how widespread and serious the problem is, and how the management response to concerns raised is often poor or non-existent.

It also addresses how allegations should be handled, explains the importance of having clear and robust policies and the role line managers tend to take when it comes to dealing with these situations. The course also coves investigation from the employer's perspective, the role of employment tribunals, and concludes with some case studies that will give further insight into what constitutes harassment and the outcome of cases where the businesses did not act appropriately to deal with this behaviour.

Introduction to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Training Course Modules

Course Module Module Name Pass % Required
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 1 What Is Sexual Harassment? 70%
" 2 Examples and Research 70%
" 3 Dealing With A Complaint 70%
" 4 Policies and The Role of The Line Manager 70%
" 5 Handling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 70%
" 6 The Law and Sexual Harassment 70%
" 7 Case Studies 70%