Introduction to Risk Assessment

Elearning - Online Course

Train Your Team Anytime, Anywhere


This course will introduce the concept of risk management, explaining the background legislation your organisation needs to comply with and then exploring how to identify hazards, evealuate their risks, record and review issues.

Who is the Introduction to Risk Assessment Training Course For ?

Anyone responsible for health and safety issues including H&S professionals, line managers, supervisors and business owners.


90 minutes. (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).


IIRSM approved*

* Our IIRSM & CPD approved courses are owned by VideoTile Learning Ltd and distributed under licence.

Risk assessment is a systematic method of looking at work activities, and considering the things that could cause significant harm to people, property or the environment.

The most important purpose of risk assessments is to help prevent accidents and ensure the safety of employees and anyone affected by workplace activities.

At the end of this course, candidates will have an understanding of what a risk assessment is and how to complete one. To achieve this the course will define important terms, provide some basic background information to explain how important risk assessments are and discuss some of the legislation that applies. It will then go on to provide practical advice on how to identify hazards and analyse risk before finishing off by explaining the responsibilities of both employers and employees with regards to risk assessment.

Introduction to Risk Assessment Training Course Modules 

Course Module Module Name Pass % Required
Introduction to Risk Assessment 1 The Basics 70%
" 2 Legislation, Regulation and Civil Law 70%
" 3 Strategy -Options and Elements 70%
" 4 Identifying Hazards 70%
" 5 Who Might Be Harmed and Evaluating the Risks 70%
" 6 Evaluating Risk The Practicalities 70%
" 7 Recording and Reviewing 70%
" 8 Management and Responsibilities 70%