Disciplinary Procedures

Elearning - Online Course

Train Your Team Anytime, Anywhere


This course explains what should be the aims of a disciplinary procedure, the use of penalties, the roles of investigations, allegations and suspensions, plus procedures for carrying out hearings, and appeals.

Who is the Disciplinary Proceedures Course For?

The course is suitable for general HR staff, managers and those in supervisory roles.


45 minutes. (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).


CPD approved*

* Our IIRSM & CPD approved courses are owned by VideoTile Learning Ltd and distributed under licence.

The aim of a disciplinary procedure is to provide a framework within which managers can work with employees to maintain satisfactory standards of conduct and to encourage improvement when necessary.

Disciplinary Procedures Course Modules

Course Module Module Name Pass % Required
Developing Teamwork 1 Disciplinary Procedure and Confidentiality 70%
" 2 Investigations, Allegations and Suspensions 70%
" 3 Notification Of a Hearing, The Right To Be
Accompanied, And Procedure
" 4 Penalties: Their Effects, and Appeals 70%
" 5 Holding Disciplinary Hearings and a Case Study 70%